Version 8.8 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. This version focused on creating universal CSS classes between all 3 widgets and introduced several new helper methods. Universal CSS Classes From the beginning, the 3 widget types treated CSS classes a little differently. While some CSS classes were common, such as has_children and children, some of the CSS classes used to target a menu item's state were different across widget types. Each … [Read more...]
Blog (page 5)
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.7
Version 8.7 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. This version included several miscellaneous enhancements. REST API Enhancements On each supported post type, an "Advanced Sidebar" meta box has always been available for changing a page's title in the menus or excluding a page from all menus. This meta box information is now available under the meta key of REST API responses. The provided REST data will look something like this: Widget … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.6.0
Version 8.6.0 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. This version focused on bridging the gap between excluded pages and the categories widget. Excluded Pages The excluded pages feature is supported by all public hierarchal post types. When editing a supported post type, you'll see a meta box which looks similar to this: For a long time the "Exclude this page from Advanced Sidebar Menus" checkbox worked great for Pages and Navigation … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls – Version 6.4.0
Version 6.4.0 of Go Live Update Urls PRO is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress admin. This version focused on introducing new and improving existing WP-CLI commands. All WP-CLI commands are fully documented so be sure to check out the documentation if you're interested in learning more. New WP-CLI Commands Two new utility commands have been introduced to allow retrieval of the available sections or tables. go-live list-sections Retrieves a … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.5.0
Version 8.5.0 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. This version focused on compatibility with the new Block-based Widgets available in WordPress core version 5.8. There have been a couple follow-up dot releases, so if you're running version 8.5.0, be sure to update to the latest dot version. At the time of writing, the latest dot version is 8.5.2. Block-based Widgets With the release of WordPress version 5.8, Block-based Widget support was … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.4.0
Version 8.4.0 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. This version focused on expanding the accordion functionality to include support for opening and closing sections by clicking on links. Accordion Links As Open/Close For a while now, our top requested accordion feature was the ability to allow some levels of links function as openers/closers for their section. Some menu structures prefer to have parent links function the same as their … [Read more...]