Version 2.7.0 is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress Admin. This version was about making the tools page more automated and intuitive, as well as setting the standard of UX going forward. Preventing errors Previously, even though we don't recommend it, you could submit the update without selecting any sections. This would throw a fatal error and do nothing but show a white screen if errors were disabled. The plugin now prevents this process in two … [Read more...]
Blog (page 12)
Simple Links PRO – Version 1.5.0
Version 1.5.0 was the longest release cycle we have ever had for a minor version of a plugin. Many architectural changes went into the new feature set and we wanted to make sure we got it right. During this process we not only greatly modernized the plugin's code base, but we also developed 3 new tools for building/maintaining/translating Gutenberg blocks simultaneously. I hope you are as excited about this release as we are! Gutenberg block support The main feature we focused on with … [Read more...]
Js-Boilerplate Version 5.2
Version 5.2 of @lipemat/js-boilerplate is now available for public use. Extensions The most exciting feature of this release is the ability to add other packages as extensions. When you find yourself extending this library's configurations in the same way often, you can now create a package for your projects to extend. Extensions override configurations the same way as local overrides. Create a new node package which contains whatever normal modules, types, scripts, etc. you would … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.10.0
This version is all about bridging the gap between this plugin's widgets and third-party page builders. Providing a consistent user experience If you have been using this plugin's widgets, I'm sure you've noticed how much thought we have put into how the various fields function. We show/hide fields based on selection and group common settings together to create an intuitive experience. Add in some custom styles and you end up with widget settings which look something like … [Read more...]
WordPress-Libs Version 2.14.0
This is the 70th release we have done with this library since it became WordPress-Libs. This release was all about working with resources; taking the repetitive requirements from scripts and styles and making them stable and accessible. New Utility Class for working with colors: We're finding more and more the need for translating colors from rgba to hexadecimal or vice versa. This is most often used for adding or removing transparency from a color set somewhere in the admin. For example, … [Read more...]
PostCSS-Boilerplate Version 2.4.0
Version 2.4.0 of @lipemat/postcss-boilerplate is now stable and ready for general use. This release focused on fixing any outstanding bugs as well as introducing the most requested feature. Generate admin.css simultaneously: From the beginning of this library we have received requests to automatically generate an "admin.css" file using "admin.pcss" as the entry point. This has always been the most requested feature. Previously, if you wanted to generate two separate CSS files from the … [Read more...]