As the content of a WordPress site grows (using this site as my case study) search results will also grow. Typically on a WordPress site the search results will either show the post content, the excerpt, or a limited version of the content. WordPress does not highlight the words in the content which match the search terms, nor does it automatically display the relevant sections of a post's content when using the excerpt or a limited version of content. This can lead to potentially unintuitive … [Read more...]
Category: Tutorials (page 3)
Node As A CLI
This is an exhaustive article on creating command line run scripts/executables with node and how it all works. It is broken into sections for convenience if you are looking for a specific topic. Otherwise, grab a coffee and prepare to learn more than you ever wanted to know about node cli. For the purpose of this article the words package and project are interchangeable and both mean a node app which is defined by the package.json standard. For the purposes of this article all project … [Read more...]
Responsive Image Srcset Sizes
So you are using WordPress right? Or maybe another modern CMS which supports responsive image srcsets? Alright, so you are a true pioneer rocking your own framework? Regardless of how your images get those helpful "srcset" attributes, this article will apply to you. Real quick refresher... the srcset attribute allows your browser to select the appropriate image src based on the current screen size and pixel density. This way you can load retina images or smaller versions depending on how you … [Read more...]
WordPress Redirect Loop When Logging In [Solved]
If you are using a WordPress as a submodule, PHP-FPM, and are hosting your site on WHM, you probably woke up today with and endless redirect loop when trying to login or access any .php core file directly. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS This error which is affecting a massive amount of servers is coming from the "EasyApache4 October 31 update". Within this update a new redirect was added to PHP-FPM which catches .php files and attempts to redirect them to .txt files. This was part of an … [Read more...]
Installing a PRO Plugin
All of our PRO plugins require the basic version to also be installed and active, so be sure to leave the basic version installed and active when upgrading to PRO. Basic versions may be found here: Installing the PRO version of the plugin FAQ Where do I enter my license? All OnPoint plugins have their license automatically included in the plugin code. You do not need to enter your license anywhere in the plugin. … [Read more...]
Saying Goodbye To Cssnano
If you have been using PostCSS, there is a good chance you have been using cssnano to create your final minified style-sheet. Cssnano has been a great library and the community go to for a long time. Version 6 of PostCSS changed the api a bit which causes some method to be deprecated including Node#moveTo. If you updated to PostCSS or even started a fresh setup including PostCSS and cssnano, you are likely getting this message in the console. Node#moveTo was deprecated. Use … [Read more...]