There comes a time in all our projects where we have a bright idea we think will improve user interaction. Maybe we want more users to signup to our feed. Maybe we want more users to buy our products. Whatever the case, we want to role out our idea which we "know" will achieve our goal. But wait....! What about social variables? Sometimes users just don't want to buy things or sign up for stuff. Sometimes users are online less often or have other life factors which affect interactions. Month … [Read more...]
Blog (page 16)
Installing a PRO Plugin
All of our PRO plugins require the basic version to also be installed and active, so be sure to leave the basic version installed and active when upgrading to PRO. Basic versions may be found here: Installing the PRO version of the plugin FAQ Where do I enter my license? All OnPoint plugins have their license automatically included in the plugin code. You do not need to enter your license anywhere in the plugin. … [Read more...]
A Journey From Perfection To Rapid Project Deployment
A long time ago in a far away land (9 years and 1500 miles to be exact), I got my first full-time job in the technology industry. I was fresh out of college with an excellent education and lots of experience building and fixing home computers while running a small business out of my home office. I had almost no experience writing code for clients. Luckily the company who hired me trusted me to learn how to do what I was doing while I was doing it, which was a very lucky opportunity. I quickly … [Read more...]
Saying Goodbye To Cssnano
If you have been using PostCSS, there is a good chance you have been using cssnano to create your final minified style-sheet. Cssnano has been a great library and the community go to for a long time. Version 6 of PostCSS changed the api a bit which causes some method to be deprecated including Node#moveTo. If you updated to PostCSS or even started a fresh setup including PostCSS and cssnano, you are likely getting this message in the console. Node#moveTo was deprecated. Use … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.3.0
Today version 3.3.0 of Advanced Sidebar Menu Pro was released nearly 1 full month ahead of schedule. This pace was partially due to the increased budget for this plugin allocated this month and working ahead on the main feature in this release. This version introduced an often requested feature "Navigation Menus". You may now create a custom menu using the standard Appearance -> Menus screen: Then assign this menu to the new Advanced Sidebar Navigation Widget: That's it! … [Read more...]
Simple Links PRO – Version 1.2.0 – Released
It has been an excited week here at OnPoint Plugins! We are proud to announce the second release of this week is Simple Links PRO. Today version 1.2.0 was released to the general public! Over the past several weeks there has been some extensive planning and road-mapping for an upcoming refactor of the basic version of this plugin. It has become time to get this classic plugin into our modern code structure to allow faster and more stable enhancements. The majority of work done behind the … [Read more...]