Over the past couple weeks we've actual had 3 releases of this library which bring us now to stable version 1.9.0. Together these releases have included a few new features as well as stability enhancements. Further streamlining of Ajax testing: Back in version 1.6.0 we introduced the ability to test custom ajax responses with a new helper method called _handleAjaxCustom. While this works great, it still requires the boilerplate of a try/catch block then using $this->_last_response. … [Read more...]
Category: WordPress (page 9)
Continued Security Push With HSTS
If you have been following along with much of my community involvement lately, you've probably noticed I've been very preoccupied with security lately. This new found push for rigorous security overhauls all started when I accidentally learned how to hack websites using XHR. Previously, remembering to use POST instead of GET for handling user data was enough to protect against CSRF. NOT ANY MORE! The past few weeks have taken me down many security roads including SRI , XSS, CSRF, CSP … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.9.0
Today a brand new version of the Advanced Sidebar Menu PRO plugin was released to the general public! New mandatory PHP version requirement. For over a year the required version of PHP for this plugin was set to PHP 5.4. To give any users who were still on legacy versions of PHP time to update we maintained PHP version 5.2 compatibility. In preparation of the new PHP requirements for WordPress Core, this version officially removes support for PHP 5.2 and PHP 5.3 in favor of the stated … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls – Version 2.6.0
Today a brand new version of the Go Live Update Urls PRO plugin was released to the general public! The most notable addition to this plugin is a WP-CLI command. Now you may update your site using the command line. Extremely simple options allow you make this plugin part of your Devops or Continuous Integration workflow. Translations for all languages were also updated in this release, as well as some code related improvements. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
Case Study: Displaying Highlighted Search Terms With Limited Content
As the content of a WordPress site grows (using this site as my case study) search results will also grow. Typically on a WordPress site the search results will either show the post content, the excerpt, or a limited version of the content. WordPress does not highlight the words in the content which match the search terms, nor does it automatically display the relevant sections of a post's content when using the excerpt or a limited version of content. This can lead to potentially unintuitive … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.7.0
Version 3.7.0 of Advanced Sidebar Menu PRO is now available to all PRO users and may be updated through the WordPress Admin or downloaded through the Downloads area. This version adds a couple of useful features which will automatically work without changing any settings: There are a few other "under the hood" improvements and some new unit tests which provide improved stability. … [Read more...]