On November 6th 2017, version 2 of Go Live Update Urls PRO was released to the general public. This version was a complete refactor of the code base with the intention of making the plugin more extendable and stable for future enhancements. This version removed the static form in favor of an interactive ReactJS driven admin section. At the time of launch I vowed to use this new structure to build and release new features faster with less bugs. I'm very pleased to announce that since release I … [Read more...]
Category: WordPress (page 12)
Add Custom CSS To Your Site
As part of the priority support service I offer my PRO customers, I often assist users with custom styling their site. This almost always comes in the form of sending over CSS to be added to their site. Many times users are unsure where or how to add the CSS so here is a quick tutorial to get started. Option 1 - Using the Customizer: You can find the customizer by going to Appearance -> Customize in the WordPress admin Once the customizer opens, scroll down to the Additional CSS … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu Pro 3.0
Last summer while visiting a good friend mine in Minnesota, I took a hard look at my architecture and decided it was time to give it an overhaul. The biggest challenge was bringing my great processes and tools into the mix while still maintaining PHP 5.2 compatibility. When it comes to things like unit testing and code sniffing, the general consensus is, "Can't be done with PHP 5.2". I was not satisfied with that answer so I took a crack at it. After spending many many hours, I not only … [Read more...]
Introducing – Simple Links Pro
To celebrate my Simple Links plugin hitting 200,000 downloads last weekend I dedicated some hard time in the lab to get Simple Links PRO out of beta and into general release status. A BIG thank you to all the beta testers who used the plugin for the past few months and gave feedback to get it production ready! Super pleased to announced that Simple Links Pro version 1.0.0 was release to the public yesterday! Since release, I have been getting great feedback from customers and have already … [Read more...]
Using PostCSS Modules In PHP
Using css modules with PostCSS has been around for a couple of years and is widely adopted in much of the JavaScript community. I have personally been using them with ReactJS for quite some time and wouldn't do it any other way. I wanted to re-create the workflow as close as possible when working with PHP. Here are the core concepts which I feel are important: Must be able to use composes from anywhere in the project.Have individual JSON files to load per each module.Be able to use … [Read more...]
Taming CMB2
If you're reading this post, chances are you have used CMB2 to make awesome meta boxes. Or maybe you are considering using CMB2 to create meta boxes. The gist of CMB2 is simple. This library is awesome! It is a developer's dream for making meta boxes through the different WordPress types. All of the special field types that you used to have to build from scratch using html and js are now as easy as setting a few keys. (Disclaimer: I am not the author of CMB2. While I have contributed … [Read more...]