This is the 70th release we have done with this library since it became WordPress-Libs. This release was all about working with resources; taking the repetitive requirements from scripts and styles and making them stable and accessible. New Utility Class for working with colors: We're finding more and more the need for translating colors from rgba to hexadecimal or vice versa. This is most often used for adding or removing transparency from a color set somewhere in the admin. For example, … [Read more...]
Blog (page 12)
PostCSS-Boilerplate Version 2.4.0
Version 2.4.0 of @lipemat/postcss-boilerplate is now stable and ready for general use. This release focused on fixing any outstanding bugs as well as introducing the most requested feature. Generate admin.css simultaneously: From the beginning of this library we have received requests to automatically generate an "admin.css" file using "admin.pcss" as the entry point. This has always been the most requested feature. Previously, if you wanted to generate two separate CSS files from the … [Read more...]
Js-Boilerplate Version 5
Without further ado, I present to you Version 5 of @lipemat/js-boilerplate. This is a brand new major version which focuses on clearing out previously existing pain points from version 4 and before. Version 5 is stable and ready for general use. Admin.js Support: Previously, if you wanted to add another entry-point to the app, it was possible by using a config override and specifying your entry there. We have found (especially since the implementation of Gutenberg) that within the … [Read more...]
WP-Unit Version 1.9.0
Over the past couple weeks we've actual had 3 releases of this library which bring us now to stable version 1.9.0. Together these releases have included a few new features as well as stability enhancements. Further streamlining of Ajax testing: Back in version 1.6.0 we introduced the ability to test custom ajax responses with a new helper method called _handleAjaxCustom. While this works great, it still requires the boilerplate of a try/catch block then using $this->_last_response. … [Read more...]
Introducing – Use Immer ReactN
If you have been part of the modern JavaScript community, it is likely you have run across a handy library called Immer. While I won't go too far into detail about what Immer does, the gist is it allows you to mutate immutable objects and pass the changed objects back as a new immutable one. This certainly comes in handy when dealing with React state which works almost exclusively with immutable objects and expects new ones to be passed for state updates. It is equally as likely you have run … [Read more...]
Removing Legacy License Support
As I'm sure you have heard by now, we launched a brand new license system back on May 26th, 2019. This system opened up new possibilities for things like subscriptions as well as making support more effective and personalized to each user. While the legacy system served it's purpose well for more than 5 years, this new system will grow with us and is expected to remain in place indefinitely. Now it is time to say goodbye to the Legacy License system. This will free up resources for us to … [Read more...]