It seems like only yesterday (actually 2 years ago) that we published our Journey To One Million Downloads post. This week we hit another milestone!
We have now had over 2,000,000 downloads of our plugins!
During the past two years our plugins have changed so much they are hardly recognizable from their original form. Our technology stack has changed, our processes have changed, our team has grown, even our entire upgrade/licensing system has changed.
The greatest (and coolest) change has got to be the new Go Live Update Urls interface.
This plugin recently received a full overhaul of the entire user experience. It’s now faster, more stable, more informative, and completes its process without over leaving the page!

The saddest change for us is the discontinuing of our Simple Links plugin.
As websites have evolved, there has been less and less of a need for link managers. This was not entirely expected, as WordPress itself removed the built-in link manager many years ago. We created Simple Links in response to built-in link manager deprecation and now it’s time to say, “So long” to Simple Links as well.
In case you haven’t seen the notices yet, Simple Links will no longer be maintained or supported after October 1st, 2021. The plugin will continue to work long after that date, we simply will no longer be writing updates for it.
Here’s to the next million
We fully expect to be writing a, “Three million downloads” blog in the not too far future. Our dedicated team and solid customer base gives us the confidence to know we are not going anywhere.
We have a ton of future enhancements planned. Our consistent release cycle is tried and true. Standby for more awesomeness!