Love your Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin!
Have a question…not sure if this is possible though.
About (this is the item in question)
– Mission
– History
– Staff
Is there some way to display ‘About’ but not actually be hyperlinked? I’ve got some sites where we’d rather not create pages but just use a placeholder (like ‘#’). If we have to use parent/child relationships for it to appear in sidebar, it’ll just be a blank page – not something we want visitors to view.
We built a bunch of sites using this abandoned plugin – https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-menu-widget/. The big difference between that plugin and yours is that it extracts the current location from the actual menu – it doesn’t use parent/child page hierarchy.
Here’s an example site/page using it – https://mosthrs.org/contact-us/. You’ll see there is no page called ‘About’.
Anyways, if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them. Also, if it’s some functionality that you think can be added, I’d be willing to donate to the endeavor.
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Craig,
There are 2 approached which may be used to accomplish this:
Have a great day!
Mat Lipe
Page Links To plugin is a winner. Thanks Mat!