i recently bought the Pro Version and i am very happy with it!
However, i would need some help with customizing the appearence of the menu.
1. When unfolding the accordion-menu i would like to add more horizontal space in front of the child-items. So that the indentation gets larger.
2. On my accordion-menu i have sites with no content that lead directly to its first child-page. So when i click directly on those menu-items, i get to the first child-page. Is it possible to change the functionality to that effect that when i click on the menu-item the menu just gets unfolded like i would click on the accordion-icon?
I hope this is all understandable. Sadly i can’t enter the url of my site since it is an intranet.
Hi Patrick,
1. You may add additional indentation to the child items with a little custom CSS. My may adjust the “40px” to whatever you need:
If you are using “block styling” the CSS this is what you will need will depend on the id of the widget wrap div. For example this id may be “advanced_sidebar_menu-2-wrap”. To get this id will require looking at the markup of the widget, I understand your site is not public so I will not able able to determine this for you.
Here is the CSS if the id is “advanced_sidebar_menu-2-wrap”:
2. Using the links to open/close the accordion sections may be accomplished with some custom JavaScript:
Have a great day!
Mat Lipe
Hello Mat,
thank you very much for the quick reply.
2. The custom JavaScript works very well!
1. I realised that i didn’t want the additionol indentation only on the childs, but also for every grandchild, grand-grandchild and so on. So basically for every level of the menu. The id of the widget wrap div is: “advanced_sidebar_menu-2-wrap”.
Sorry for the missleading information.
Have a great day, too!
Hi Patrick,
Each level of a block styled widget is styled separately and may be adjusted like so:
For additional levels, simply add another “li” to the target and it will style the next level down.
Have a great morning!
Mat Lipe
Hi Mat,
that is exactly what i wanted. Perfect!
Thank you very much!