Hello. We received notification that our subscription was renewed. I logged in to see if there was a way to disable auto-renew so we could renew annually if we chose to do so, but now it looks like I’ve cancelled our subscription and need to pay to renew. Since we just received notification that we paid to renew already, are we still subscribed? Hopefully that makes sense.
Hi Dan,
No worries.
PayPal doesn’t support disabling and reenabling a subscription so when you cancel your subscription the PayPal subscription is removed. In our system, your subscription changes to “Pending Cancel” status which means it will automatically cancel on the expiration date. In your case, your subscription will stay active until February 18th, 2023.
At anytime, you may use the “Resubscribe” button located in the “My Subscription” area of My Account to create a new subscription with PayPal and keep your subscription active. You may also purchase a lifetime license and your subscription license will automatically transfer to lifetime.
Have a great weekend!