On the page above…we want to hide the grandparent page too…Cal Adventures for our example
Also, we want to be able to customize the menu order on some pages, and just have the alphabetical order on other pages. Please advise.
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Hi Rebecca,
For the first request, would you like the grandparent page to be hidden when on any of the pages below it or just when on the mentioned page?
For the second request, one approach is to use a separate widget on the pages you would like to control the order on and select “Page Order”. Then leave the current widget intact for the pages you want it the menu ordered alphabetically. If you are using a shared sidebar and do not have the ability to change the widget per page, you could send us a list of the pages you would like the menu ordered by “Page Order” and we will write a filter for you that will automatically change the widget ordering on the provided pages to “Page Order”.
Have a great night!
Mat Lipe
Hello Mat. Yes, we’d like the grandparent page to be hidden on all the pages in sidebar. For the other request, they would like the pages in alphabetical order,..with the exception of 3 pages, Listed them below. Maybe if you can give me the function to use and I can modify it accordingly. Thanks
Good Morning Rebecca,
This may be accomplished by adding the following filters to your active theme’s functions.php file:
This filter will set the highest level page to “Cal Adventures” for any page which is below it. Because you are not showing the highest level page in the widget, the “Cal Adventures” page will then automatically be hidden and the rest of menu will function like normal.
This filter will change the “Order by” to “Page Order” when on any of the targeted pages using their ids. You may then order the pages shown in the menu by changing the page order. You may also use a plugin like Simple Page Ordering if you want to drag/drop the order of the pages.
Have a great day!
Mat Lipe
thanks for replying….so the first filter hides the grandparent and parent, but we want the siblings to show of the current page. Here is a screenshot of how we want it to show for classes and clinics page:
We want this setup for all pages in sidebar: current page and siblings and children should show.
For the 2nd filter, thats not going to work as we have too many pages. The plugin you mentioned also doesnt work, I thought your pro plugin would give the option for us to drag and drop in the menu screen page, like this
Can you provide that functionality for some pages?
If you uncheck “Display current page’s parents only” the siblings of the current page will start showing up.
Certainly, the PRO version has another widget called “Advanced Sidebar Navigation Menu” which lets you create custom menus and manage them within the “Menus” screen.
Have a great night.
Ok Mat, the 2nd issue has been resolved. Not sure how I missed that : )
The first is a fix for that page – https://dev-wp-sa-recsports-1.pantheon.berkeley.edu/programs-events/cal-adventures/classes-clinics/
Thats great, but it causes an issue with the top level pages such as https://dev-wp-sa-recsports-1.pantheon.berkeley.edu/programs-events/
We want the current page – programs & events to show with the yellow circle.
Also, how would we deal with the other pages, such as https://dev-wp-sa-recsports-1.pantheon.berkeley.edu/programs-events/intramural-sports/leagues-tournaments/
The above not only shows the parent, but also shows the brothers of the parent. Attached is a screenshot of my settings, which I think you know already:
Good Morning,
The following filter will allow you to display the highest level parent when on a highest level parent page:
Have a great day!
Mat Lipe
Thanks Mat. Yes, that function fixed the top level parent not showing. Last thing we need to fix is ….. the interior pages showing parents and uncles. This is one of the examples I gave: https://dev-wp-sa-recsports-1.pantheon.berkeley.edu/programs-events/intramural-sports/leagues-tournaments/
I think you provided me with a function for this to fix one page via the post ID, is there an easier way to do this across the board so no parents are showing?
Also, when there are no children and there are no siblings, then only one page should show up in sidebar, not happening at the moment: https://dev-wp-sa-recsports-1.pantheon.berkeley.edu/fitness-wellness/group-exercise/group-ex-classes/
Appreciate the help.
Hi Rebecca,
Just to make sure I’m understanding, it sounds like you would like to not show any parents/uncles/grandparents of the current page and only show current page/siblings/children/grandchildren?
Is that correct?