Hi. My site was on a temporary domain and it broke all the images when I launched it on my new domain:
temp: https://box2018.temp.domains/~massaib8
live: https://massagebusinesshelp.com
I bought and installed the pro version of your plugin to update image domains and sitewide domains but it is saying it’s not finding any to update. Can you help me with this?
Hi Julie,
I see you have some images in your site which are pointed to the “http” version of the temporary URL.
If any of the temporary URL remain in the database, they may be updated using the following settings:
You will probably want to make sure all new URL are then using “https” by running the plugin a second time with the following settings:
I see some of the temporary domain have also made it into the CSS files generated by your site. It appears you may be running an Oxygen based theme. If this is the case, the documentation suggests going to “Oxygen -> Settings -> CSS Cache” and clicking the “Regenerate” button.
Please let me know if you have any questions.