I’m trying to use a custom post type called “Research” in this plugin and it’s not available in the dropdown. I also cannot select my custom taxonomy because I’m assuming if I can’t select the right post type it cannot find the categories for it. Any idea why it isn’t showing and what can I provide to help solve the issue?
I’m trying to use this plugin on an archive and single post template to basically list out the taxonomies and then the posts associated with those categories. I have pro, can this even be done?
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Dan,
In order for your custom post type to show up as an option, you must first select a taxonomy which it supports and hit update.
Only custom taxonomies which are ‘hierarchical’ (support parent and child relationships) will be available to select in the widget. If you update your custom taxonomy to be ‘hierarchal’ it will then show up as an option in the widget.
Have a great weekend!