It seems like only yesterday (actually 2 years ago) that we published our Journey To One Million Downloads post. This week we hit another milestone! We have now had over 2,000,000 downloads of our plugins! During the past two years our plugins have changed so much they are hardly recognizable from their original form. Our technology stack has changed, our processes have changed, our team has grown, even our entire upgrade/licensing system has changed. The greatest (and coolest) change … [Read more...]
Category: WordPress (page 6)
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.1.0
Version 8.1.0 of the Advanced Sidebar Menu plugin is now available and ready for general use. More accurately, version 8.1.3 is the latest download as we followed up with a few fixes and improvements shortly after 8.1.0 was released. The primary focus of this release was to expand existing features to include content types and menu levels which were already supported, yet lacked the UI to use said features. Per page settings for custom post types From the beginning this plugin has … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls – Version 6.2.0
Version 6.2.0 is ready and waiting to completely change your URL updating experience. An entirely new tools page awaits to provide you an intuitive, fully reported, reliable workflow without ever leaving the page. Redesigned Tools Page From the beginning we've always followed WordPress core styles within our tools page. Headings, text, and form elements used built-in CSS classes and contained very little custom CSS. While this provided a consistent and simple experience, the introduction … [Read more...]
Adding Custom JavaScript to Your Site
There are times when you need to add a little JavaScript to your WordPress site but don't want to spin up an entire plugin. Maybe you're doing some AB testing or don't want to edit your theme's JavaScript directly. Maybe you're adding some Google Analytics code. If you've ever requested a customization of the accordion functionality in our Advanced Sidebar Menu PRO plugin, you most likely needed to add some custom JavaScript. Whatever your reasons, there are a few methods to accomplish … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls – Version 6.1.0
Version 6.1.0 is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress Admin. While the majority of the changes are behind the scenes, this version provides a faster, more polished experience in the admin. Full JavaScript Rewrite The Go Live tools page has always been written completely in ReactJS. Over the years it has evolved from its original static form into a Webpack application. This time we rewrote the React code from scratch entirely in TypeScript! If you … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls (Basic) – Version 6.1.0
When we released version 6, we vowed to let the new structure pave the way for future improvements and enhancements. We weren't kidding! Immediately after, we delved into our backlog of improvements and starting scheduling and building them. Improved Performance For the first time, this plugin now automatically detects and excludes database columns which won't include URL values. Numeric columns, date columns, short text columns, and a few others are automatically excluded from the … [Read more...]