Version 3.7.0 of Advanced Sidebar Menu PRO is now available to all PRO users and may be updated through the WordPress Admin or downloaded through the Downloads area. This version adds a couple of useful features which will automatically work without changing any settings: There are a few other "under the hood" improvements and some new unit tests which provide improved stability. … [Read more...]
Category: Products (page 9)
Go Live Update URLS – Version 5.2.0
Today marks the day when version 5.2.0 of Go Live Update URLS was released into the wild! When the plugin was first written, the WordPress ecosystem included a few interesting variation of saving data but followed a fairly common pattern. Historically the main concern has been handling serialized data when doing database search and replacing. Handling serialized data was the sole purpose of this plugin's first version. Over the years, additional data patterns started showing up with … [Read more...]
Installing a PRO Plugin
All of our PRO plugins require the basic version to also be installed and active, so be sure to leave the basic version installed and active when upgrading to PRO. Basic versions may be found here: Installing the PRO version of the plugin FAQ Where do I enter my license? All OnPoint plugins have their license automatically included in the plugin code. You do not need to enter your license anywhere in the plugin. … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.3.0
Today version 3.3.0 of Advanced Sidebar Menu Pro was released nearly 1 full month ahead of schedule. This pace was partially due to the increased budget for this plugin allocated this month and working ahead on the main feature in this release. This version introduced an often requested feature "Navigation Menus". You may now create a custom menu using the standard Appearance -> Menus screen: Then assign this menu to the new Advanced Sidebar Navigation Widget: That's it! … [Read more...]
Simple Links PRO – Version 1.2.0 – Released
It has been an excited week here at OnPoint Plugins! We are proud to announce the second release of this week is Simple Links PRO. Today version 1.2.0 was released to the general public! Over the past several weeks there has been some extensive planning and road-mapping for an upcoming refactor of the basic version of this plugin. It has become time to get this classic plugin into our modern code structure to allow faster and more stable enhancements. The majority of work done behind the … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 3.2.0
Today version 3.2.0 was completed and released to the general public. I know this feels like a rushed release due to version 3.1.0 getting released just 6 weeks ago, I can assure it was not. Last quarter was the most successful quarter on record in terms of the lowest number of bugs and highest number or positive feedback received in the history of OnPoint Plugins. This opened up a much larger allocation of resources toward plugin enhancements this quarter, shooting this plugin into the front … [Read more...]