Today is the day the much anticipated version 3.1.0 is released to the general public. The new plugin structure (re-built in version 3.0.0) allowed for adding new features using a cleaner and more stable approach. Originally this release was scheduled in April but things went smoother than expected and more interest in the features kept pressure on a faster timeline. Having a robust unit testing suite cut testing time by nearly 2/3rds. I am very exited to announce the new features which were … [Read more...]
Category: Products (page 10)
Support Area For PRO Customers
Earlier today the brand new support area officially went live! This was a large undertaking that began last year with the following goals in mind: There are many solutions out there for installing a support forum and getting up and running quickly. Ultimately I opted to follow the tradition of building all systems in house to keep thing light, stable, secure, and maintain full control. This 100% proprietary system is setup to allow for pushing out updates quickly and a range of … [Read more...]
Go Live Update URLs – Version 2.2.0
On November 6th 2017, version 2 of Go Live Update Urls PRO was released to the general public. This version was a complete refactor of the code base with the intention of making the plugin more extendable and stable for future enhancements. This version removed the static form in favor of an interactive ReactJS driven admin section. At the time of launch I vowed to use this new structure to build and release new features faster with less bugs. I'm very pleased to announce that since release I … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu Pro 3.0
Last summer while visiting a good friend mine in Minnesota, I took a hard look at my architecture and decided it was time to give it an overhaul. The biggest challenge was bringing my great processes and tools into the mix while still maintaining PHP 5.2 compatibility. When it comes to things like unit testing and code sniffing, the general consensus is, "Can't be done with PHP 5.2". I was not satisfied with that answer so I took a crack at it. After spending many many hours, I not only … [Read more...]
Introducing – Simple Links Pro
To celebrate my Simple Links plugin hitting 200,000 downloads last weekend I dedicated some hard time in the lab to get Simple Links PRO out of beta and into general release status. A BIG thank you to all the beta testers who used the plugin for the past few months and gave feedback to get it production ready! Super pleased to announced that Simple Links Pro version 1.0.0 was release to the public yesterday! Since release, I have been getting great feedback from customers and have already … [Read more...]