we’ve recently updated our website to the latest wp version and also updated all the plugins. Including Advanced Sidebar Menu PRO. It should be compatible with wp 6.1.1 but the behaviour seems to have changed. Before when we clicked the ‘+’ icon, the list opened, when we clicked the actual word the category page would show. Now, wherever we click, the category page is showing, we can’t open the list anymore.
It has nothing to do with the setting “Use links for open/close” because this hasn’t been changed.
For now we have set the behaviour to “Use links for open/close” active so people can still acces the whole list. But we would like to use it as before: click the word to show the category page, click the ‘+’ icon to expand the list.
Can you help us out please?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Bram,
There appears to be some JavaScript on your site which is changing the click handlers and mouse events on menu. Every click anywhere on the menu item, icon or not is being directed to the main link and causing the browser to follow the link.
We haven’t been able to track down the exact script because your site appears to regenerate the
string of the JavaScript files on every page load. Most likely to force viewers to get a fresh version of every file on every load.The issue appears to be caused by something in this directory:
We might be able to help narrow down further if you are able to provide a link where we can see the widget with the “Use links for open/close” disabled.
Hi, thanks for your fast response.
We’ve moved some scripts to load at the bottom of the page and that seems to do the trick.
Thanks for pointing this out.