After your update my menu works different then before 🙁
Before it was
Main 1
Main 2
Main 3
== Click on Main 2 opens Sub Menu
Main 1
Main 2
–> SUB 1
–> SUB 2
== Click on Sub 2 opens Sub-Sub Menu
Main 1
Main 2
–> SUB 1
——> SUB SUB 1
——> SUB SUB 1
–> SUB 2
How to realize this again?
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Felix,
You may exclude the “Display the current page’s direct family only” functionality from the grandchildren by adding the following filter to your active theme’s functions.php file:
This will remove the enhanced functionality added in version 8.1.0.
Have a great day!
Felix Stürmer
Thank you for your fast replay and fix, but the submenu of not active main bullets still appear?
They should only appear if it or any of it’s child is active?
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Felix,
I’m having trouble understanding what is not working as expected?
Could you please provide the following information: