The problem is that while the widget seems to work fine on the final output, but the page editor in WordPress becomes unresponsive. Please see the attached console error log for a sample page on the website. These errors have started only after the Navigation widget is added to any page.
Console errors thrown after adding navigation widget, making editor unresponsive
Hi Fondazione Mondiale Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga,
It seems the errors in the console are being thrown by the Beaver Builder plugin. We have a Beaver Builder test site and have been running through all the widget combinations and so far have been unable to recreate the issue you are seeing.
One difference is we are using the “light” version on our test site, where it appears you may be using on of the premium versions. If you would like to provide a link that we can use to download the version you have, we will load it into our test site and see what happens.
Another thing that may help is if you provide a link to the exact page where you are using the widget so we can compare widget settings.
Hi, The link of the exact page is:
Also if you want access to the site admin then we can provide a temporary login for you to test. We hope that the information in this ticket is not made public?
Hi Fondazione Mondiale Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga,
I plugged in the same widget setting in our test site and was not able to recreate the issue.
If you would like to provide a temporary login, I can login and take a look.
Please use the “Private Information” section as anything entered there is securely stored and not available to the public.
Please see the site temporary login in the private section.
Hi Fondazione Mondiale Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga,
I am using this draft page for testing.
I have narrowed down the issue to the something specific with the “Main Menu” menu. If I switch the widget to use one of the footer menus, the error goes away and the widget functions like normal. There appears to be a PHP error happening in the background somewhere.
Would it be possible to get access to the PHP error logs? If not, would it be possible to get a copy of the PHP error log for the past hour or so?
Please find the error log in the Private section. Also I have enabled debug mode on the website temporarily and you can find the debug stats ont he admin panel.
Based on PHP error log, it appears your site is running out of memory.
Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes)
It appears your server or site is set to use maximum memory of
and is hitting the limit when the large menu is being parsed. The default limit in WP is256MB
which is likely what is being used. You may resolve this issue by allocating more memory to the site.WooCommerce has some great information of how to change memory limits in WordPress.
It doesn’t appear you will need much. Changing the limit to something like
should do the trick.Have a great day!
The memory allocation now is 512MB (double of the 256MB earlier), and I’m still getting the same error. Please see the screenshot: