When I update the Title for a page on my site, the updated name does not save. It appears to save when I click the “update” button. But if I refresh the page, WordPress reverts to the previous Title value.
Changes to Title in Advanced Sidebar are not saving.
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Doug,
So far I have been unable to recreate the issue on your site. I have recorded a short video of what happens when I try to change the TITLE.
Let me know if the issue still persists for you. If so, can you please share a bit more about the process and/or browser you are using so I can recreate the issue?
One possibility is the browser cache. Since I am using a fresh browser, my cache was fresh. Clearing your browser cache may help.
OnPoint Plugins
Hello again,
I was able to recreate a scenario where the title would not update. If the “Custom Fields” panel is enabled in the block editor, the value of the “asm-link-text” overrides the changes in the Advanced Sidebar TITLE.
I’m going to work on a solution for this. In the meantime you may restore the Advanced Sidebar field functionality by disabling “Custom fields” within the block editor preferences.
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Doug,
I was able to patch the issue and resolve the conflict with the “Custom Fields” panel.
Version 9.5.1 of PRO has been released just now which fixes the issue.
Have a great day!
Doug Seidler
Hi there. I really appreciate your help. I’m receiving a new error message now on the site when I try to update a page and change the title.
A red bar at the top says: Updating failed. Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the advanced-sidebar-menu/link-title custom field.
You still have access to my dev site if that helps.
OnPoint Plugins
Hi Doug,
Turns out there was a permissions issue when the user was not a super admin. This should be working in version 9.5.2. Please let me know if it is not.
Sorry for the back and forth. This is a known issue with Gutenberg which I’m working around.
Have a great night!
Doug Seidler
Thank you! I’ve just updated to 9.5.2 and everything is working as expected. Thanks for developing a wonderful plugin and for great support.