Version 2.19.0 of WordPress Libs is now available for public use. This was the biggest release we have had in a while for this library. Many features were introduced and improved, bugs were squashed, and redundancies were combined. All around improved REST and meta support. WordPress 5.5 is required to take advantage of many of the enhancements. It's not required but recommended to update to WP 5.5 when updating to version 2.19.0. Option Page Enhancements CMB2 uses a special mapping … [Read more...]
Blog (page 9)
Go Live Update Urls – Version 6.1.0
Version 6.1.0 is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress Admin. While the majority of the changes are behind the scenes, this version provides a faster, more polished experience in the admin. Full JavaScript Rewrite The Go Live tools page has always been written completely in ReactJS. Over the years it has evolved from its original static form into a Webpack application. This time we rewrote the React code from scratch entirely in TypeScript! If you … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls (Basic) – Version 6.1.0
When we released version 6, we vowed to let the new structure pave the way for future improvements and enhancements. We weren't kidding! Immediately after, we delved into our backlog of improvements and starting scheduling and building them. Improved Performance For the first time, this plugin now automatically detects and excludes database columns which won't include URL values. Numeric columns, date columns, short text columns, and a few others are automatically excluded from the … [Read more...]
Writing a proper commit message
These days every developer is using some form of version control to manage their code bases and contributions from their team. Most predominantly we are using GIT as our version control of choice. No matter what form of version control you are using, the most important part of keeping a usable code history is, "Writing a proper commit message." Why? If you have ever used git log --grep or used an IDE to find commits you know the importance of having a relevant message to locate the … [Read more...]
Advanced Sidebar Menu – Version 8.0.0
Version 8 is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress Admin. This is a major version update which is not fully backward-compatible with previous filters or extensions. If you have extended the functionality of this plugin via actions or filters, you may want to consider staying on version 7 or follow the migration guide to update your extensions. If you have not extended the plugin, you may update it without fear of breaking anything or losing data. Brand new … [Read more...]
Go Live Update Urls – Version 6.0.0
Version 6 is ready and available for you to download or update through the WordPress Admin. This is a major version update which is not backward-compatible with previous filters or extensions. If you have extended the functionality of this plugin, you may want to consider staying on version 2 or you'll need to update your extensions. If you have not extended the plugin, you may update it without fear of breaking or losing data. Brand new code base For many years we had been supporting PHP … [Read more...]